Tri-Merge Credit Report Facts You Need to Know to Get a Mortgage
When applying for a mortgage, your credit report can make or break your chances of getting an approval and a favorable interest rate. Mortgage lenders use a tri-merge report, along ...
Mortgage Loans 101: What’s the Difference Between a Banker & Broker?
If you’re shopping for a mortgage loan, either for a purchase or a refinance, you may encounter both bankers and brokers who specialize in home loans. So what’s the difference? ...
First-Time Buyers: Start the Home Loan Process Here
First-time buyers often find the prospect of applying and qualifying for a home loan to be daunting — often to the point of putting off purchasing a home. Many potentia ...
Should You Refinance Your Utah Home Now, or Wait?
If you’ve considered a refinance for your Utah home loan, it may be time to move forward with your plan. Depending on your current home loan and your property value, you could si ...
How Much Will My Mortgage Payment Be if I Buy a House?
When you buy a house, your mortgage payment will be one of your largest monthly expenses. Naturally, you want to know — need to know — how much you can expe ...
FHA Loans Help Buyers with Bad Credit
If you have bad credit, an FHA loan may help you achieve your dream of homeownership. Recently, FHA (the Federal Housing Administration) lowered the baseline credit requiremen ...
Home Loan Qualification and Debt-to-Income Ratios
To qualify for a home loan, you must have sufficient income to handle any debt you have, in addition to making the monthly payments on your new home. As important as  ...